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Hiii Divine being!


Here you can find more information about our dive into your current life situation so that together we can outline a personalized action plan to align practical life with its essence and idealized future. 


We will facilitate this transformation process by clarifying the information and prioritizing what makes sense to you. This is a program for those who still haven't been able to put into practice what they've been learning in terms of personal development or who are ready to start changing their lives. 


But how is all this going to work?


  • We will divide it into 4 individual consultations, one per week, to integrate what is passed until the next session.
  • We start on the 20/05th, Full Moon in Aries, to bring us the strength of action and commitment to the process.
  • I will be at your disposal to talk, review and organize your routine during this process. 


It follows in detail each session, during the sessions changes can happen if I feel like bringing another tool, such as Reiki, ThetaHealing, Access Bar or Intuitive Healing. 


Akashic Records Reading


We begin the process with the Reading of your Akashic Records. It is a session where I transmit information and alignments from your soul, from your mentors, directing what is suggested as a practice for your spiritual, physical or mental body. For this session, we shouldn't create expectations, because what comes from the message is according to what you need to receive at the moment, be it reaffirmation, advice, welcome... I just close my eyes and transmit to you what I am allowed to access.


The session is recorded and I will send you the audio along with the points that we must work on according to spirituality within 72 hours.


Duration: 1 hour




Introduction to Human Design


Human design is a system that helps us understand how our body works, what are our strengths and challenges.

Imagine if life came with a navigation manual.

There are many ready-made recipes for success and personal fulfillment, but if you've made it this far, you should already know that what works for each person can be very different.
The challenge is: how do I find out what works FOR ME? Based on this tool, we can better understand who we are and how to connect with our own essence, to live in harmony with ourselves and the world around us.


Topics that will be covered on your chart:

Auric Type (How does your energy work?)
Strategy (How things come to you)
Authority (How does your intuition speak to you?)
Profile (Your predominant personality archetypes.
Cross of Incarnation (Your purpose in this life).
Operation of its main Centers and Channels.


You will receive a detailed PDF document with your information for future reference.


Duration: 1 hour to 1h30



Astrological Birth Chart


The astral map is, first and foremost, a tool for self-knowledge.

Your birth chart tells the story of how the position of the stars influence the most diverse areas of your life such as your personality, love life, ambitions and much more.
You will receive a Pdf with the information of the planets and positions with the interpretation made by a site that I trust.
Let's talk about all this, analyze and define priorities to put in our action plan, feeding the needs of your being. My job will be to make the information for implementation organized and practical.


Localization map


Astrocartography integrates your astral map with the world map, showing where in the world you find certain energies. This explains that feeling you get when you travel somewhere and you feel at home or you go to a popular place but you don't feel right and you don't know why.
I will show you how to access this information online and understand if where you are located there is some influence from some line, which can be positive and sometimes not so much, but there are certainly teachings there for you.

This is a complex tool, but I will introduce you to this incredible way to understand how some places influence you. It is advisable to make your in-depth map with an Astrologer specialized in this area, before making major life decisions.


Duration: 1 hour to 1h30




Action Plan


Here we will unite all the information collected, with your dreams, with your reality and your positive beliefs. An action plan can be a powerful tool to transform our lives. With it, it is possible to define clear and achievable goals, strengthen our strengths, face our limitations and enhance our abilities. It is important to remember that the plan is not a miracle, it requires effort and commitment. From it, it is possible to build an aligned and complete life.
Having as pillars, moments to take care of health, mentality and creation of a full life according to what matters to you.

We are going to put together a document that you will receive to put into practice everything you discovered in this process.

Duration: 1 hour to 1h30




Please, fill te online questionnaire with your details below and wait to be contacted:


It will be an honour to work with you 💛


Much love,




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