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Journey of Yourself  Ritual.

Salted coconut milk foot soak

Celtic sea salt, Himalayan salt, magnesium Epson salts and Sea Rock salt blended with geranium, green mandarin, rosemary and vetiver 100% pure essential oils, organic coconut milk powder and
100% organic coconut oil infused with
dried rose, calendula, sage and rosemary.

Body oil 50ml

Made with geranium, green mandarin, rosemary, vetiver
100% pure essential oils, blended in 100% organic coconut oil.
( different dilution ratio of essential oil from the roll on blend)  

Roll on Blend 10ml

Made with geranium, green mandarin, rosemary, vetiver
100% pure essential oils, blended in 100% organic coconut oil.


Coco soy wax tea light candle with lavender 100% pure essential oil, rose quarts crystals, flowers and herbs.

Bath Salts:

Celtic sea salt, Himalayan salt, magnesium Epson salts and Sea salt blended with geranium, green mandarin, rosemary and vetiver 100% pure essential oils and
100% organic coconut oil infused with
dried rose, calendula, sage and rosemary. 170g

About the brand @tatibetati:


 2015, London. This was the scenario of the beginning of my spiritual journey with the essential oils. It was one of the most challenging moments of my life, but there are certain life lessons that you can only learn in the struggle.


When you live in a foreing country by yourself, you have two paths to follow: you either get to know yourself from shadows to light or you just ignore it all and give up on your dreams. The second option never existed for me!


However, in 2019, I felt like my freedom was taken away and at the same time I could open space to truly reconnect with my inner-self.


I had an injury on my neck and shoulder that stopped me from working as a flight attendant, which I am passionate about. It felt like someone was cutting off my wings .


What I could not imagine was that same injury would make me invest time in myself. It was the key for me to overcome my own limits, face my fears, control my mind, get out of my comfort zone, listen to my intuition, get grounded and embrace my own nature, my creativity, senses... .


I had to keep a positive outlook, take a step by step, be patient, respect my healing, so my body could fully recover and I could fly away again.


And the biggest surprise was finding a new passion for creating essential oil blends and soul-love rituals. This is how TatiBeTati was finally born from my soul 

Journey of Yourself Ritual - Self love & Joy

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