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Holy Kakao - The Real Ceremonial Cacao


Holy KAKAO is a mood enhancer, ceremonial-grade 'chocolate' (100% whole-bean Cacao, free of nasties but full of love and high vibe).

Cacao is known as The food of the Gods (or Goddesses). This beautiful plant not only increase our Serotonin and Dopamine levels (the HAPPY hormones), but it is also known as heart-opening. Cacao teach us how to listen to our inner voice and encourages us to speak our truth no matter what that may be. It allows us to access our innate wisdom so that we may move towards a more full and abundant life

Some researches have shown that “Cacao (the non processed chocolate) also induces positive effects on mood and is often consumed under emotional stress. In addition, the high dosage of antioxidants and flavonoids preserve cognitive abilities during aging, lower the risk for developing Alzheimer's disease and decrease the risk of stroke in humans” (Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2013).

 Holy KAKAO is a paste of the highest grade made from Heirloom strains sourced from Premium Cacao Beans in Peru Amazon Region (in the native strain called 'Chuncho'). This is the part of the world where cacao grows natively finding the optimal conditions to produce amazing cacao beans. Holy KAKAO paste is manufactured from a single ingredient – cacao beans. They are fermented, lightly roasted or sundried, then ground down into the ceremonial paste that becomes solid at cooler temperatures. Unlike other cacao beans, ceremonial cacao is specifically produced from native cacao strains.


Why you should have Holy KAKAO every day:


  • Is the Highest Plant-Based Source of Iron
  • Full of Magnesium for a Healthy Heart & Brain
  • More Calcium Than Cow’s Milk
  • A Natural Mood Elevator and Antidepressant
  • Protects you from heart diseases
  • Helps to prevent signs of premature aging
  • Boost your energy naturally
  • Improve your metabolism
  • Helps to prevent sunburn
  • Get glowing skin
  • May protect against skin cancer
  • Fights tooth decay
  • Helps to improve brain function
  • It is a natural beauty food
  • Works as a natural aspirin (by Foodmatters)

Holy KAKAO is

  • Organic Certified
  • Raw
  • Gluten free
  • Ground Cacao Nibs
  • Vegan
  • Kosher Certified
  • Fairly Traded
  • GMO Free



We provide you with only the highest quality of Herbal Tonics and Exotic Elixirs, and we are devoted to source the purest plant-based goodness from only sustainable and ethical suppliers. 
Our Super herbs and tonics will help expand your body's capacity to handle mental, physical and emotional stress, but we have to be honest with you.


The sisters behind Holy Herbal


They are known as The Brazilian KAKAO Priestess who modernised ancient wisdom to fit today's society.

The sisters, Liza and Lili, love to bring sacredness to our every day lives in a fun, light and simple way as they believe rituals don't need to be boring but respected. There's no need for fuss, you just need to respect Mother Nature and connect to the spirit of the plant and you have access to its healing power. 

Ceremonial Cacao

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