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AMETHYST (Sobriety Stone / The Stone of Protection and Healing) is a power stone that invites serenity and peace of mind. It brings about pleasant dreams, relieves headaches and cures insomnia. Amethyst guards against guilty and fearful feelings and provides protection from self-deception, the evil eye, and negative vibrations. In meditation, it symbolizes piety, humility, sincerity & spiritual wisdom. It has the power to focus energy. Amethyst reduces the tendency to overspend, gambling addictions or unwise investments. Amethyst is also the stone of loyalty.


A Japa mala is typically made from 108 beads and one larger additional bead called a Sumeru. Begin the round with the Sumeru and end when it is reached again. The following round should begin with the same bead upon which the previous round ended. The mala should be held in the right hand with the middle finger and thumb, never with the index finger which is considered inauspicious. With each bead, one repeats the mantra. “Japa is a type of communication between “here” and “beyond”, between the part and the Whole. As in all types of communication, it cannot be the mumbling of empty words, it cannot be a mechanical or robotic repetition, but it must express an authentic and sincere intention. The mantra should be recited with the highest attention and deeply interiorized.”



About the brand:


Blooming Hands was created by a hand crafts lover and Reiki therapist. Talice believes she uses her  hands as an energy source in the creation of her art. She has been followed by the divine light on the creations of her art. Blooming Hands is giving you not only an amazing hand craft jewelry but a protective amulet.


Japamala is a powerful tool for meditation and protection. Blooming Hands Japamala is carefully created with the energy of Reiki using RUDRAKSHA seeds and crystals. Rudraksha is known as Shiva tears where also Hinduism and Buddhism use the seeds for protection,  activating the chakras and  acting in the energy field.

108 Japa Mala - Amethyst & Rudraksha

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